ISO 15546:2011

Petroleum and natural gas industries — Aluminium alloy drill pipe ISO 15546:2011

Publication date:   Sep 15, 2011

General information

90.93 Standard confirmed   Oct 24, 2023


ISO/TC 67 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries

International Standard

75.180.10   Exploratory, drilling and extraction equipment | 77.150.10   Aluminium products



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ISO 15546:2011 specifies the technical delivery conditions, manufacturing process, material requirements, configuration and dimensions, and verification and inspection procedures for aluminium alloy drill pipes with or without attached steel tool joints, for use in drilling and production operations in the petroleum and natural gas industries.
A typical drill pipe configuration is provided, showing main elements and lengths. The main dimensions and masses of the grades of drill pipe are given in both SI units and USC units.
ISO 15546:2011 does not consider performance properties.

Life cycle


ISO 15546:2007


ISO 15546:2011
90.93 Standard confirmed
Oct 24, 2023