ISO 13589:1998

Aerospace — Nuts, bihexagonal, self-locking, with counterbore and MJ threads, classifications: 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425 degrees C, 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650 degrees C, 1 210 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425 degrees C, 1 210 MPa (at ambient temperature)/730 degrees C, 1 550 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 degrees C, 1 550 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425 degrees C and 1 550 MPa (at ambient temperature)/600 degrees C — Dimensions ISO 13589:1998

Publication date:   May 7, 1998

General information

90.93 Standard confirmed   Oct 19, 2021


ISO/TC 20/SC 4 Aerospace fastener systems

International Standard

49.030.30   Nuts



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Life cycle


ISO 13589:1998
90.93 Standard confirmed
Oct 19, 2021