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Aerospace — Nuts, hexagonal, slotted (castellated), reduced height, reduced across flats, with MJ threads, classifications: 450 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425 degrees C, 600 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 degrees C, 600 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 degrees C, 600 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650 degrees C, 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 degrees C, 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/730 degrees C and 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/600 degrees C — Dimensions

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — Rivets, solid — Material and metric series identification

90.60 Close of review

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — MJ threads — Gauging

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — Rivets, solid — Materials

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — Drives, internal, cruciform, ribbed — Metric series — Technical Corrigendum 1

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — Drives, internal, cruciform, ribbed — Metric series

90.60 Close of review

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — Internal six-lobe drives — Metric series

90.60 Close of review

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — Bolts, reduced bihexagonal head, normal or pitch diameter shank, long length MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes less than or equal to 1 275 MPa — Dimensions

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — Screws, pan head, internal offset cruciform ribbed or unribbed drive, stepped shank, short or medium length MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes less than or equal to 1 100 MPa — Dimensions

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — Screws, pan head, internal offset cruciform ribbed or unribbed drive, pitch diameter shank, long length MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes less than or equal to 1 100 MPa — Dimensions

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — Nuts, hexagonal, plain, reduced height, reduced across flats, with MJ threads, classifications: 450 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425 degrees C, 600 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 degrees C, 600 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 degrees C, 600 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650 degrees C, 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 degrees C, 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/730 degrees C and 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/600 degrees C — Dimensions

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — Nuts, anchor, self-locking, floating, two lug, with incremental counterbore, with MJ threads classifications: 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 degrees C, 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 degrees C and 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425 degrees C — Dimensions

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — Nuts, anchor, self-locking, floating, self-aligning, two lug, with MJ threads, classifications: 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 degrees C, 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 degrees C and 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425 degrees C — Dimensions

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — Nuts, anchor, self-locking, floating, self-aligning, single lug, with MJ threads, classifications: 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 degrees C, 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 degrees C and 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425 degrees C — Dimensions

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — Gang channel, self-locking, floating, standard series, with counterbore, classifications: 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 120 degrees C, 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 235 degrees C and 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 425 degrees C — Dimensions

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — Nuts, barrel, self-locking, floating, self-aligning, with MJ threads, classifications: 900 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 235 degrees C, 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 235 degrees C, 1250 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 235 degrees C and 1550 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 235 degrees C — Dimensions

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — Retainers, spring, sheet metal, for self-locking barrel nuts — Dimensions

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 20/SC 4

Aerospace — Rivets, solid, 100 degrees normal countersunk head, in metallic material, with or without surface treatment — Dimensions

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 20/SC 4