95.99 Withdrawal of Standard Jul 1, 2011
ISO/TC 184 Automation systems and integration
International Standard
25.040.30 Industrial robots. Manipulators
ISO 10218-1:2006 specifies requirements and guidelines for the inherent safe design, protective measures, and information for use of industrial robots. It describes basic hazards associated with robots, and provides requirements to eliminate or adequately reduce the risks associated with these hazards.
ISO 10218-1:2006 does not apply to non-industrial robots although the safety principles established in ISO 10218 may be utilized for these other robots. Examples of non-industrial robot applications include, but are not limited to: undersea, military and space robots; tele-operated manipulators; prosthetics and other aids for the physically impaired; micro-robots (displacement <1 mm); surgery or healthcare; and service or consumer products.
ISO 10218:1992
ISO 10218-1:2006
Withdrawal of Standard
Jul 1, 2011
ISO 10218-1:2006/Cor 1:2007
ISO 10218-1:2011