IEC TR 62001-4:2021 ED2

High-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems - Guidance to the specification and design evaluation of AC filters - Part 4: Equipment

Publication date:   Sep 7, 2021

General information

60.60 Standard published   Sep 7, 2021


TC 22/SC 22F

Technical Report

29.200   Rectifiers. Converters. Stabilized power supply



PDF - €453.75




IEC TR 62001:2021, which is a Technical Report, provides guidance on the basic data of AC side filters for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems and their components such as ratings, power losses, design issues and special applications, protection, seismic requirements, equipment design and test parameters.
This document covers AC side filtering for the frequency range of interest in terms of harmonic distortion and audible frequency disturbances. It excludes filters designed to be effective in the power line carrier (PLC) and radio interference spectra. It concerns the conventional AC filter technology and LCC (line-commutated converter) HVDC but much of this applies to any filter equipment for VSC (voltage sourced converter) HVDC. This edition includes the following significant technical change with respect to the previous edition:
- general updating of the document to reflect changes in practice;
- Annex A deleted as its content is covered by IEC 61803.

Life cycle


IEC TR 62001-4:2016 ED1


IEC TR 62001-4:2021 ED2
60.60 Standard published
Sep 7, 2021