IEC/TR 61200-52:2013 is Technical Report which serves as a supplement to IEC 60364-5-52:2009 and explains the rules so as to facilitate the design, selection, erection and maintenance of wiring systems. It follows the numbering of that standard. This technical report is written for everyone concerned with the design, the selection and supply of equipment, as well as the persons who install, maintain and use electrical installations. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 1993, and constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- guidance associated with conduit systems, cable ducting systems, cable trunking systems, cable tray systems and cable ladder systems has been added giving, for example, recommended maximum straight lengths of conduit to ease the installation circuit wiring;
- guidance associated with selection and erection of wiring systems in relation to external influences has been extended to cover impact, and other mechanical stresses;
- guidance for grouping of cables has been added; and
- guidance on maximum temperatures of terminals in normal service conditions has been extended.
IEC TR 61200-52:1993 ED1
IEC TR 61200-52:2013 ED2
Standard published
Jul 10, 2013