IEC TR 61000-2-5:2011 ED2

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2-5: Environment - Description and classification of electromagnetic environments

Publication date:   May 26, 2011

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Jan 19, 2017


TC 77

Technical Report

33.100.20   Immunity



PDF - €496.10

  English   French  



IEC/TR 61000-2-5:2011 is a Technical Report intended for guidance for those who are in charge of considering and developing immunity requirements. It also gives basic guidance for the selection of immunity levels. The data are applicable to any item of electrical or electronic equipment, sub-system or system that operates in one of the locations as considered in this Technical Report. It has the status of a basic EMC publication in accordance with IEC Guide 107. Knowledge of the electromagnetic environment that exists at locations where electrical and electronic equipment and systems are intended to be operated is an essential precondition in the process of achieving electromagnetic compatibility. This knowledge can be obtained by various approaches, including a site survey of an intended location, the technical assessment of the equipment and system as well as the general literature. This Technical Report provides the following:
- introduces the concept of disturbance degrees and defines these for each electromagnetic phenomena;
- classifies into various location classes and describes them by means of attributes;
- provides background information on the different electromagnetic phenomena that may exist within the environment and;
- compiles tables of compatibility levels for electromagnetic phenomena that are considered to be relevant for those location classes. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1995 and constitutes a technical revision. The significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition are the following:
- the description of the radiated electromagnetic environment has been done in more detail and the considered interference sources have been updated;
- the concept of location classes has been reviewed and modified;
- the disturbance levels for the various location classes have been reviewed, modified and the phenomena have been described in more detail.

Life cycle


IEC TR 61000-2-5:2011 ED2
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Jan 19, 2017


IEC TR 61000-2-5:2017 ED3