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Systems Reference Document
29.020 Electrical engineering in general
Semantic Interoperability and Ontologies are presented in the IEC MSB White Paper : “Semantic interoperability: challenges in the digital transformation age” (ISBN 978-2-8322-7321-0)
Domain-based ontologies have been developed for semantic interoperability in a specific domain but the interaction of semantically equivalent objects in different ontologies has not been defined.
There have been many studies among semantic interoperability in power grid and energy ontology and different ontologies have been developed to improve energy data interoperability. However choosing a reference ontology which meets the requirement and covers the large domains in smart energy systems is a big challenge as not all ontologies represent the same energy data domains and at the same level of data details. This heterogeneity makes interoperability issues in implementation of these ontologies. Therefore, the determination of a unified Ontology is necessary for Smart Energy to go one step beyond the major innovations and improvements achieved in the past decade.
This publication provides a Guide and Plan to develop a Smart Energy Ontology and other domain-based ontologies within smart energy through semantic interoperability. This includes but is not limited to:
• Inventory and assessment of existing ontologies for the purpose of Smart energy applications:
Reuse of existing ontologies in the smart energy domain
Evaluation of developed smart energy ontologies
Cross domain semantic interoperability support and mapping to other ontologies
• Guide and Development plan for smart energy ontology development and usage including
Definition of smart energy ontology lifecycle process
Guidance for smart energy ontology use cases
Definition of a governance process
Domain-based ontologies have been developed for semantic interoperability in a specific domain but the interaction of semantically equivalent objects in different ontologies has not been defined. This publication helps users and ontology developers to conclude the complete relationship in different domains and different ontologies for the purpose of Smart Energy applications
IEC SRD 63417 ED1
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Mar 7, 2025