IEC SRD 63273-1:2023 ED1

Smart city use case collection and analysis - City information modelling - Part 1: High-level analysis

Publication date:   Aug 25, 2023

General information

60.60 Standard published   Aug 25, 2023


SyC Smart Cities

Systems Reference Document

13.020.20   Environmental economics. Sustainability | 03.100.70   Management systems



PDF - €441.65




IEC SRD 63273-1:2023 series aims to scope out the requirements of city information modelling standards by collecting and analysing its use cases. Specifically, the IEC SRD 63273 series achieves the objectives of identifying the key application areas and stakeholders, developing user stories and clarifying the relationship among these stakeholders, collecting and analysing use cases of city information modelling, scoping out the requirements for city information modelling standards and providing recommendations to IEC regarding urban planning and management.
The IEC SRD 63273 part 1 explains how the work of city information modelling use case collection and analysis address sustainable development goals, provides a brief overview of city information modelling, and identifies the key application areas and stakeholders of city information modelling, identifies the key application areas of city information modelling, and determines the stakeholders and the relationships among them in these application areas.

Life cycle


IEC SRD 63273-1:2023 ED1
60.60 Standard published
Aug 25, 2023