99.60 Withdrawal effective Jan 16, 2013
Publicly Available Specification
33.120.30 RF connectors
IEC/PAS 61169-42:2009(E) is a sectional specification. It provides information and rules for preparation of detail specification of CQN series quick lock R.F. coaxial connectors together with the pro- forma blank detail specification. It also prescribes mating face dimensions for general connectors-grade 2, dimensional detail of standard test connectors-grade 0, gauging information and tests selected from IEC 61169-1 applicable to all detail specifications relating to CQN series RF connectors. This specification indicates recommended performance characteristics to be considered when writing a detail specification and it covers test schedules and inspection requirements for assessment levers M and H.
IEC PAS 61169-42:2009 ED1
Withdrawal effective
Jan 16, 2013
IEC 61169-42:2013 ED1