IEC 62353:2007 ED1

Medical electrical equipment - Recurrent test and test after repair of medical electrical equipment IEC 62353:2007 ED1

Publication date:   May 15, 2007

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Sep 4, 2014


TC 62/SC 62A

International Standard

11.040.01   Medical equipment in general



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Applies to testing of medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems, hereafter referred to as me equipment and me systems, or parts of such equipment or systems, which comply with IEC 60601-1, before putting into service, during maintenance, inspection, servicing and after repair or on occasion of recurrent tests to assess the safety of such me equipment or me systems or parts thereof. For equipment not built to IEC 60601-1 these requirements may be used taking into account the safety standards for the design and information in the instructions for use of that equipment.

This standard contains tables with allowable values relating to different editions of IEC 60601-1. For the purpose of this standard, the application of measuring methods is independent of the edition according to which the me equipment or me system is designed.

This standard contains:

- "general requirements", which contain clauses of general concern, and

- "particular requirements", further clauses handling special types of me equipment or me systems and applying in connection with the "General requirements".

This standard is also applicable to tests after repair. The testing shall be defined according to the extent of work performed and applicable guidance from the manufacturer.

Life cycle


IEC 62353:2007 ED1
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Sep 4, 2014


IEC 62353:2014 ED2