IEC 61784-3:2010 explains some common principles than can be used in the transmission of safety-relevant messages among participants within a distributed network using fieldbus technology in accordance with the requirements of IEC 61508 series for functional safety. These principles can be used in various industrial applications such as process control, manufacturing automation and machinery. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2007 and constitutes a technical revision. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are:
- clarifications and additional explanations for requirements, updated references;
- updates of definitions and requirements in relation with the new edition of IEC 61508;
- addition of a new informative Annex D providing an assessment guideline;
- updates in parts for CPF 1, CPF 2, CPF 3, CPF 6 (details provided in the parts);
- addition of new parts for CPF 8, CPF 12, CPF 13, CPF 14;
- in CPF parts, addition of an annex to provide information about test laboratories for testing and validating conformance of FSCP products.
This bilingual version published in 2011-12, corresponds to the English version published in 2010-07.
IEC 61784-3:2007 ED1
IEC 61784-3:2010 ED2
Withdrawal effective
May 13, 2016
IEC 61784-3/AMD1 ED2
IEC 61784-3:2016 ED3