IEC 61755-2-1:2022 ED2

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Connector optical interfaces for single-mode fibres - Part 2-1: Connection parameters of dispersion unshifted physically contacting fibres - Non-angled IEC 61755-2-1:2022 ED2

Publication date:   Aug 30, 2022

General information

60.60 Standard published   Aug 30, 2022


TC 86/SC 86B

International Standard

33.180.20   Fibre optic interconnecting devices



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IEC 61755-2-1:2022 defines a set of prescribed conditions for a single-mode fibre optic connection that is maintained in order to satisfy the requirements of attenuation and return loss (RL) performance in a randomly mated pair of non-angled polished physically contacting (PC) fibres. The model uses a Gaussian distribution of light intensity over the specified mode field diameter (MFD) for determination of attenuation performance grades, based on MFD mismatch and the amount of lateral and angular fibre core offsets. Attenuation and RL performance grades are defined in IEC 61755-1. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2006. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:

addition of normative references and visual requirement tables;
reconsideration of the whole parts of the text to avoid misuse of the standard.

Life cycle


IEC 61755-2-1:2006 ED1


IEC 61755-2-1:2022 ED2
60.60 Standard published
Aug 30, 2022