60.60 Standard published Apr 5, 2024
International Standard
29.130.20 Low voltage switchgear and controlgear
IEC 60947-5-7:2024 states the requirements for proximity devices that correspond to the scope of IEC 60947-5-2:2019 with analog output (PDAO) and/or a digital output to transmit a corresponding digital value representing the detected sensing input. These devices can provide additional parameters.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2003. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) New structure;
b) Update and expansion of definitions on analog output properties;
c) Expanded performance requirements on analog output;
d) Update and new normative references;
e) Update of EMC requirements;
f) Harmonization with IEC 62828 series;
g) Harmonization with IEC 62683 and IEC 61987 definitions;
h) Harmonization with IEC 61131-2 requirements;
i) Update of the Annex A (former Annex G), Example of the determination of the conformity;
j) New Annex B, Overview tests and influence quantities;
k) New Annex C, Additional requirements for proximity switches with analog output incorporating a built-in communication interface complying with IEC 61131-9;
l) New Annex D, Main characteristics for proximity devices with analog output.
IEC 60947-5-7:2003 ED1
IEC 60947-5-7:2024 ED2
Standard published
Apr 5, 2024