IEC 60811-4-2:2004 ED2

Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Common test methods - Part 4-2: Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - Tensile strength and elongation at break after conditioning at elevated temperature - Wrapping test after conditioning at elevated temperature - Wrapping test after thermal ageing in air - Measurement of mass increase - Long-term stability test - Test method for copper-catalyzed oxidative degradation IEC 60811-4-2:2004 ED2

Publication date:   May 17, 2004

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Mar 12, 2012


TC 20

International Standard

29.035.20   Plastics and rubber insulating materials | 29.060.20   Cables



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Specifies the test methods for testing polymeric insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical fibre cables for power distribution and communications, including cables used on ships and in offshore applications. These test methods apply specifically to polyolefin insulation and sheath.
The principal changes with respect to the previous edition are listed below:
a) A measurement of tensile strength is included in Clause 8.
b) Clause 10 is now the only method in IEC 60811 for wrapping test after thermal ageing in air.
c) Two ageing conditions are now specified for the long-term stability test in Annex A.

Life cycle


IEC 60811-4-2:1990 ED1


IEC 60811-4-2:2004 ED2
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Mar 12, 2012