IEC 60749-28:2017 ED1

Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 28: Electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitivity testing - Charged device model (CDM) - device level IEC 60749-28:2017 ED1

Publication date:   Mar 28, 2017

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Mar 1, 2022


TC 47

International Standard

31.080.01   Semiconductor devices in general



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IEC 60749-28:2017(E) establishes the procedure for testing, evaluating, and classifying devices and microcircuits according to their susceptibility (sensitivity) to damage or degradation by exposure to a defined field-induced charged device model (CDM) electrostatic discharge (ESD). All packaged semiconductor devices, thin film circuits, surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices, opto-electronic devices, hybrid integrated circuits (HICs), and multi-chip modules (MCMs) containing any of these devices are to be evaluated according to this document. To perform the tests, the devices are assembled into a package similar to that expected in the final application. This CDM document does not apply to socketed discharge model testers. This document describes the field-induced (FI) method. An alternative, the direct contact (DC) method, is described in Annex I.
The purpose of this document is to establish a test method that will replicate CDM failures and provide reliable, repeatable CDM ESD test results from tester to tester, regardless of device type. Repeatable data will allow accurate classifications and comparisons of CDM ESD sensitivity levels.

Life cycle


IEC PAS 62162:2000 ED1


IEC 60749-28:2017 ED1
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Mar 1, 2022


IEC 60749-28:2022 ED2