IEC 60684-2: 2025 gives methods of test for flexible insulating sleeving, including heat-shrinkable sleeving, intended primarily for insulating electrical conductors and connections of electrical apparatus, although they can be used for other purposes. The tests specified are designed to control the quality of the sleeving but it is recognized that they do not completely establish the suitability of sleeving for impregnation or encapsulation processes or for other specialized applications. Where necessary, the test methods in this document will be supplemented by appropriate impregnation or compatibility tests to suit the individual circumstances. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) major update of normative references;
b) revision of Clause 5, with amendment of methods for measurements of bore and wall thickness;
c) revision of Clause 11, to clarify that the longitudinal change test is done on expanded sleeving;
d) revision of Clause 28, additional method D for flame propagation testing;
e) revision of Clause 56, additional method for preparation of samples for adhesive peel test;
f) addition of Clause 63, abrasion test method;
g) addition of Clause 64, volume resistivity for semi-conducting materials;
h) addition of Clause 65, outgassing;
i) addition of Clause 66, resistance to weathering.
IEC 60684-2:2011 ED3
IEC 60684-2 ED4
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Mar 7, 2025