IEC 60050-192:2015 ED1

International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 192: Dependability IEC 60050-192:2015 ED1

Publication date:   Feb 26, 2015

General information

60.60 Standard published   Feb 26, 2015


TC 1

International Standard

01.040.17   Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena (Vocabularies) | 21.020   Characteristics and design of machines, apparatus, equipment | 29.020   Electrical engineering in general



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IEC 60050-192:2015 gives the general terminology used in the field of dependability. The terms are generic and are applicable to all fields of dependability methodology, including electrotechnical applications. The document is not an exhaustive vocabulary for all IEC standards in the dependability field: definitions for some specialized terms may only be found in the relevant standards. This document replaces sections 1 to 20 of IEC 60050-191:1990, which has been subjected to a systematic, in-depth review and revision, in order to reflect the current usage of the terms in the dependability field, to introduce new terms from new or revised standards, and other informed sources, and to provide a grammatical form, and presentation to comply with the IEC directives. This terminology is consistent with the terminology developed in the other specialized parts of the IEV.
It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.

Life cycle


IEC 60050-192:2015 ED1
60.60 Standard published
Feb 26, 2015


IEC 60050-192:2015/AMD1:2016 ED1