The particular requirements specified in this part of the HD 60364 series apply only to circuits intended to supply floating crafts used for administrative, commercial, industrial, leisure or sport activities, hereinafter referred to as “ships”, in harbours, marinas and similar locations.
The particular requirements do not apply to:
- onshore installations dedicated to supply inland navigation vessels for commercial and administrative purpose;
NOTE 1 Such requirements are defined in HD 60364-7-730.
- shore connection systems dedicated to ships that require, to prevent blackout, synchronisation of their power generation with the shore power supply,
NOTE 2 Such requirements are defined in IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-3.
- internal electrical installations of ships;
- the supply of houseboats when they are directly supplied from the public network;
- the supply of anchored ships;
- the supply of ships in dry docks;
- the supply of ships by on-shore stand-alone generating sets.
For the remainder of the electrical installation and for the electrical installations of houseboats, the general requirements of HD 60364 series together with the relevant particular requirements of HD 60364-7 apply.
HD 60364-7-709:2009
HD 60364-7-709:2009/A12:2019
Standard published
Apr 26, 2019