EN ISO 9241-910:2011

Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 910: Framework for tactile and haptic interaction (ISO 9241-910:2011) EN ISO 9241-910:2011

Publication date:   Sep 21, 2011

General information

60.60 Standard published   Jul 15, 2011


CEN/TC 122 Ergonomics

European Norm

13.180   Ergonomics | 35.180   IT Terminal and other peripheral equipment



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ISO 9241-910:2011 provides a framework for understanding and communicating various aspects of tactile/haptic interaction. It defines terms, describes structures and models, and gives explanations related to the other parts of the ISO 9241 "900" subseries. It also provides guidance on how various forms of interaction can be applied to a variety of user tasks.
It is applicable to all types of interactive systems making use of tactile/haptic devices and interactions.
It does not address purely kinaesthetic interactions, such as gestures, although it might be useful for understanding such interactions.

Life cycle


EN ISO 9241-910:2011
60.60 Standard published
Jul 15, 2011