60.60 Standard published Apr 15, 2010
CEN/TC 290 Dimensional and geometrical product specification and verification
European Norm
17.040.10 Limits and fits
ISO 286-1:2010 establishes the ISO code system for tolerances to be used for linear sizes of features of the following types: a) cylinder; b) two parallel opposite surfaces.
ISO 286-1:2010 defines the basic concepts and the related terminology for this code system. It provides a standardized selection of tolerance classes for general purposes from amongst the numerous possibilities.
Additionally, it defines the basic terminology for fits between two features of size without constraints of orientation and location and explains the principles of “basic hole” and “basic shaft”.
EN 20286-1:1993
EN ISO 286-1:2010
Standard published
Apr 15, 2010
EN ISO 286-1:2010/AC:2013