EN ISO 13120:2013

Health informatics - Syntax to represent the content of healthcare classification systems - Classification Markup Language (ClaML) (ISO 13120:2013) EN ISO 13120:2013

Publication date:   Jun 14, 2013

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   May 29, 2019


CEN/TC 251 Health informatics

European Norm

35.240.80   IT applications in health care technology



Language in which you want to receive the document.


The main purpose of ISO 13120:2013 is to formally represent the content and hierarchical structure of healthcare classification systems in a markup language for the safe exchange and distribution of data and structure between organizations and dissimilar software products.
The scope of healthcare classifications systems covered in ISO 13120:2013 encompasses terminologies, and is constrained to traditional paper-based systems (like ICD-10) and systems built according to categorial structures and a cross thesaurus (like ICNP). ISO 13120:2013 is intended for representation of healthcare classification systems in which classes have textual definitions, hierarchical ordering, named hierarchical levels (such as "chapter", "section"), inclusion- and exclusion criteria, and codes. It is not intended to cover any formal representation, either for definition or composition, of concepts, or for specification of classification rules. Systems with such formal specifications can at best be partially represented using ISO 13120:2013, and are hence out of scope.
ISO 13120:2013 is not intended to:
provide a normative syntax on how a healthcare classification system is to be constructed;
define link types between elements in a healthcare classification system; this is left to the developers of healthcare classification systems;
provide a representation for direct viewing or printing.

Life cycle


EN 14463:2007


EN ISO 13120:2013
99.60 Withdrawal effective
May 29, 2019


EN ISO 13120:2019