EN 80000-14:2009

Quantities and units - Part 14: Telebiometrics related to human physiology EN 80000-14:2009

Publication date:   May 29, 2009

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Sep 13, 2017


CLC/SR 25 Quantities and units

European Norm

01.060   Quantities and units



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In IEC 80000-14:2008, names, symbols, and definitions for quantities and units of telebiometrics related to human physiology are given. This part of IEC 80000 encompasses quantities and units for physiological, biological or behavioural characteristics that might provide input or output to telebiometric identification or verification systems (recognition systems), including any known detection or safety thresholds. It also includes quantities and units concerned with effects on a human being caused by the use of a telebiometric device. International Standard IEC 80000-14 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 25: Quantities and units, and their letter symbols in co-operation with ISO/TC 12.

Life cycle


EN 80000-14:2009
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Sep 13, 2017


Adopted from IEC 80000-14:2008 IDENTICAL