The requirements of this part of this standard is based on bioavailability resulting from the use of toys and shall not as an objective exceed the below mentioned levels per day: 1,4 microgram for antimony; 0,1 microgram for arsenic; 25,0 microgram for barium; 0,6 microgram for cadmium; 0,3 microgram for chromium; 0,7 microgram for lead; 0,5 microgram for mercury; 5,0 microgram for selenium. For the interpretation of these figures it has been necessary to identify an upper limit for the ingestion of toy material. Very limited data has been available for identifying this upper limit.
Legislation related to this standard
EN 71-3:1994
Withdrawal effective
Jun 5, 2013
EN 71-3:2013