EN 643:2001/AC:2002

Paper and board - European list of standard grades of recovered paper and board

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Jan 29, 2014


CEN/TC 172 Pulp, paper and board

European Norm

01.040.85   Paper technology (Vocabularies) | 85.060   Paper and board


This list specifies European Standard grades of recovered paper and board which gives a general description of the standard grades by defining what they do and do not contain.
It is not the purpose of this European Standard to specify all the qualities of recovered paper and board that exist in the different markets, but rather to define those qualities most commonly traded in Europe. The description of the standard grades is brief, and for this reason it is recognised that specific deals between buyer and supplier for standard grades with special specifications will still be necessary to meet individual requirements and will not be excluded by any implied regulations associated with the publication of this European Standard.
This standard list contains a group of recovered paper grades (Group 5 "Special qualities") that, in most cases, can only be recycled using specific processes, or can cause some particular constraints to recycling. Their inclusion in the list is justified by the existence of a significant European market. Actual recycling of the qualities can only be done by a limited number of mills located in a few countries only.
Recovered paper from refuse sorting stations is not suitable for use in the paper industry.

Life cycle


EN 643:2001


EN 643:2001/AC:2002
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Jan 29, 2014


EN 643:2014