99.60 Withdrawal effective Sep 1, 2017
CLC/SR 86C Fibre optic systems and active devices
European Norm
33.180 Fibre optic communications
IEC 62343-2:2011 applies to dynamic modules and devices (DMs) which are commercially available. Examples are tuneable chromatic dispersion compensators, reconfigurable optical cross-connects, and dynamic channel equalizers. (Optical amplifiers are not included in this list, but are treated in IEC 61291-5-2). For reliability qualification purposes, some information about the internal components, parts and interconnections is needed; these internal parts are treated as black boxes. This standard gives requirements for the evaluation of DM reliability by combining the reliability of such internal black boxes.
EN 62343-2:2011
Withdrawal effective
Sep 1, 2017
EN 62343-2:2014