IEC 61968-11:2013 specifies the distribution extensions of the common information model (CIM) specified in IEC 61970-301. It defines a standard set of extensions of common information model (CIM), which support message definitions in IEC 61968-3 to IEC 61968-9, IEC 61968-13 and IEC 61968-14. The scope of this standard is the information model that extends the base CIM for the needs of distribution networks, as well as for integration with enterprise-wide information systems typically used within electrical utilities. Major changes with respect to the first edition are summarized below: - Introduction of new classes to support flexible naming of identified objects. - Introduction of new classes to support single line diagrams exchange. - Consolidated transmission and distribution models for lines, transformers, switching, sensing and other auxiliary equipment.
EN 61968-11:2010
EN 61968-11:2013
Standard published
Jun 7, 2013
prEN 61968-11:2017