99.60 Withdrawal effective Jul 14, 2018
CLC/TC 65X Industrial-process measurement, control and automation
European Norm
25.040.40 Industrial process measurement and control | 35.240.50 IT applications in industry
IEC 61804-3:2010(E) specifies the Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL) technology, which enables the integration of real product details using the tools of the engineering life cycle. It specifies EDDL as a generic language for describing the properties of automation system components. EDDL is capable of describing: - device parameters and their dependencies; - device functions, for example, simulation mode, calibration; - graphical representations, for example, menus; - interactions with control devices; - graphical representations: enhanced user interface; - graphing system, persistent data store. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2006. This edition constitutes a technical revision. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are aadditions of: - language elements; - various BuiltIns; - table updates, corrections.
EN 61804-3:2007
EN 61804-3:2011
Withdrawal effective
Jul 14, 2018
EN 61804-3:2015