IEC 61377:2016 applies to the traction system consisting of traction motor(s), converter(s), traction control equipment including software, transformer, input filters, brake resistors, main circuit-breaker, cooling equipment, transducers, contactors, etc. Types of motors applicable in this standard are asynchronous, or synchronous including permanent magnet (PMM), or direct current (DC). The objective of this standard is to specify the type test of a traction system, mainly comprising of:
- test of performance characteristics;
- test methods of verifying these performance characteristics. This new edition includes the following main technical changes with regard to the previous editions: it includes updates as necessary in order to meet the current technical state of the art, to improve clarity and to create an edition that considers all types of motors part of a traction system.
EN 61377-1:2006
EN 61377-1:2006/corrigendum Dec. 2006
EN 61377-2:2002
EN 61377-3:2002
EN 61377:2016
Standard published
Apr 22, 2016