60.60 Standard published Jun 3, 2016
CLC/SR 86C Fibre optic systems and active devices
European Norm
33.180.30 Optic amplifiers
IEC 61291-2:2012 applies to single channel optical amplifier (OA) devices to be used in digital applications. For multichannel applications, use IEC 61291, Part 4. The object of this performance specification template is to provide a frame for the preparation of detail specifications on the performances of single channel OA devices to be used in digital applications. This edition constitutes a minor update through clarification that the scope is for single channel optical amplifiers, and that pump leakage parameters do not apply to semiconductor optical amplifiers.
EN 61291-2:2012
EN 61291-2:2016
Standard published
Jun 3, 2016
EN IEC 61291-2:2023