99.60 Withdrawal effective Jul 1, 2009
CLC/TC 17AC High-voltage switchgear and controlgear
European Norm
29.130.10 High voltage switchgear and controlgear
Applies to a.c. circuit-breakers within the scope of HD 348 S4 (Clause 1). It provides the general rules for testing a.c. circuit-breakers, for making and breaking capacities over the range of test-duties described in Subclauses 6.102 to 6.111 of IEC 60056, by synthetic methods. The purpose of this standard is to establish criteria for synthetic testing and for the proper evaluation of results. Such criteria will establish the validity of the test method without imposing restraints on innovation of test circuitry.
EN 60427:2000
Withdrawal effective
Jul 1, 2009
EN 62271-101:2006