99.60 Withdrawal effective Dec 1, 2006
CLC/TC 31 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres
European Norm
This European standard contains the specific requirements for construction and testing of intrinsically safe electrical systems, type of protection i, intended for use, as a whole or in part, in potentially explosive atmospheres. This European Standard supplements European Standard EN 50 020 - Intrinsic safety 'i, the requirements of which apply to electrical apparatus used in intrinsically safe electrical systems, except for those in 10. Marking. This European Standard does not take the place of installation requirements for intrinsically safe electrical apparatus, for associated electrical apparatus and for intrinsically safe electrical systems
Legislation related to this standard
Electrical apparatus for use in explosive atmospheres using certain modes of protection
Harmonized/SupportingElectrical apparatus for use in explosive atmospheres using certain modes of protection
EN 50039:1980
Withdrawal effective
Dec 1, 2006
EN 60079-25:2004