99.60 Withdrawal effective Mar 1, 2006
CLC/TC 31 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres
European Norm
This European Standard contains the General Requirements for the construction and testing of electrical apparatus for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in order to ensure that such apparatus will not cause an explosion of the surrounding atmosphere. It is supplemented or modified by the following European Standards, concerning the specific standard types of protection: EN 50015, EN 50 016, EN 50 017, EN 50 018, EN 50 019, EN 50 020. The above European Standards and this European Standard are not applicable to the construction of electro-medical apparatus, exploders, test devices for exploders and for shotfiring circuits. Devices in which, according to the manufacturer's specifications, none of the values 1.2 V, 0.1 A, 20mJ or 25mW is exceeded need not be certified or marked
Legislation related to this standard
Electrical apparatus for use in explosive atmospheres using certain modes of protection
Harmonized/SupportingElectrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in mines susceptible to firedamp
Harmonized/SupportingAdaptation to technical progress of Directive 82/130/EEC
EN 50014:1977
Withdrawal effective
Mar 1, 2006
EN 50014:1977/A1:1979
EN 50014:1977/A2:1982
EN 50014:1977/A4:1982
EN 50014:1977/A5:1986
EN 50014:1977/A3:1982
EN 50014:1992