90.60 Close of review Sep 2, 2017
CEN/CLC/JTC 2 Power Engineering
European Norm
27.100 Power stations in general | 27.180 Wind turbine energy systems
This standard gives guidance on writing the technical specifications for the procurement of wind turbines for use in electrity generating stations (wind power stations. Other possible applications of such equipment have not been considered in the preparation of this guide. This Guide covers wind turbine generator systems (WTGS) with swept area equal to or larger than 40 m2. This guide for procurement of wind turbines has been prepared to be used with the existing international standard IEC 1400-1, it should therefore be read in addition and complementary to the International standard.
Legislation related to this standard
Procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors
EN 45510-5-3:1998
Close of review
Sep 2, 2017