90.93 Standard confirmed May 1, 2000
CEN/TC 121 Welding and allied processes
European Norm
25.160.10 Welding processes
This International Standard pertains to types of joint preparation for metal-arc welding with covered eectrode, gas-shielded metal-arc welding and gas welding on steel ( see clause 3 and 4). It applies to joint preparation for fully-penetrated butt welds, except in the case of some recommended types of joint preparation (reference numbers 3.10A, 3.10B and 4.10.10C); if a butt weld is not possible or necessary, special arrangements need to be made. For not-fully-penetrated butt welds, types of joint preparation and dimensions welds, types of joint preparation and dimensions differing from those specified in this International Standard may be stipulated. The root gaps referred to in this International Stadard are those gaps presented after tack welding, if used. Consideration should be given to altering the joint preparation details (where appropriate) to facilitate temporary backing, ® one-sided welding ¯, etc.
Legislation related to this standard
EN 29692:1994
Standard confirmed
May 1, 2000
EN ISO 9692-2:1998