EN 16457:2014

Characterization of waste - Framework for the preparation and application of a testing programme - Objectives, planning and report EN 16457:2014

Publication date:   Jul 17, 2014

General information

90.20 Standard under periodical review   Oct 15, 2024


CEN/TC 444 Environmental characterization of solid matrices

European Norm

13.030.01   Wastes in general



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This European Standard specifies requirements for a waste testing programme regarding mainly objectives, planning and report with the intent to ensure reliable and comparable results when using the reference methods that have been developed and/or adopted by CEN/TC 292.
The planning and report aspects of this European Standard are applicable to any waste testing programme dedicated to the determination of one or several parameters. They are also applicable to all testing steps for each parameter from sampling up to reporting whether these steps are taking place in the field (e.g. sampling) or in the laboratory (e.g. analysis-quantification).
This European Standard does not address aspects of safety for activities in the field and inside laboratory.
NOTE The term planning a testing programme is used here with the general meaning of organizing a testing programme and being in accordance with the terms testing plan, sampling plan, laboratory plan used in the present European Standard.

Life cycle


EN 16457:2014
90.20 Standard under periodical review
Oct 15, 2024