EN 16418:2014

Paper and board - Determination of the cytotoxicity of aqueous extracts using a metabolically competent hepatoma cell line (HepG2) EN 16418:2014

Publication date:   Sep 19, 2014

General information

90.93 Standard confirmed   Mar 16, 2020


CEN/TC 172 Pulp, paper and board

European Norm

85.060   Paper and board



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This European Standard specifies a test method for the laboratory assessment of the potential cytotoxic effect of paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs using specifically the HepG2 cell line.
Compared to the EN 15845[1], HepG2 cells are more representative of a human oral exposure to xenobiotics, due to the presence in the cells of phase I, II and III enzymes of the metabolism.

Life cycle


EN 16418:2014
90.93 Standard confirmed
Mar 16, 2020