EN 16214-3:2012

Sustainability criteria for the production of biofuels and bioliquids for energy applications - Principles, criteria, indicators and verifiers - Part 3: Biodiversity and environmental aspects related to nature protection purposes EN 16214-3:2012

Publication date:   Mar 19, 2013

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Jul 5, 2017


CEN/TC 383 Sustainably produced biomass for energy applications

European Norm

27.190   Biological sources and alternative sources of energy



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This European Standard only defines procedures, criteria and indicators to provide the required evidence for:
- production of raw material in areas for nature protection purposes;
- harvesting of raw material from highly biodiverse non-natural grassland; and
- cultivation and harvesting on peatland.
This European Standard specifies requirements relevant for the provision of evidence by economic operators that the production, cultivation and harvesting of raw materials is in accordance with legal or other requirements concerning the areas mentioned above.
This European Standard is applicable to production, cultivation and harvesting of biomass for biofuels and bioliquids production.

Life cycle


EN 16214-3:2012
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Jul 5, 2017


EN 16214-3:2012/prA1