99.60 Withdrawal effective Apr 8, 2020
CEN/TC 205 Non-active medical devices
European Norm
11.040.20 Transfusion, infusion and injection equipment
This European Standard specifies requirements for the design and testing of sin gle-use enteral feeding catheters, single-use enteral giving sets and their connection systems. Requirements for radiodetectable enteral feeding cathetersare not given in this standard. NOTE Enteral feeding catheters intended for insertion through the mouth or nose can be radiodetectable in their entirety or atthe tip or by means of intermittent marks. At present there is no generally accepted standard test method for radiodetectability, but research to develop a standard method of test is being considered.
EN 1615:1997
EN 1615:2000
Withdrawal effective
Apr 8, 2020
EN ISO 20695:2020