90.92 Standard to be revised May 20, 2021
CEN/TC 124 Timber structures
European Norm
79.080 Semi-manufactures of timber
This European Standard covers requirements for single untreated or preservative treated wood poles for overhead lines under cantilever or compression loading (it does not cover poles used as beams). It covers test methods, determination of characteristic values and methods of specifying durability and sizes. It also establishes principles for visual grading.
This European Standard applies to both softwood and hardwood poles.
This European Standard specifies the evaluation of conformity requirements and the marking of wood poles.
This European Standard does not specify wood poles treated against fire to improve their fire performance.
This European Standard does not quantify the service life that may be expected from a wood pole.
NOTE The service life of a wood pole depends on its geographical location, the associated climate of its service environment and either the natural durability of the heartwood of the species selected, or the combination between selection of species, preservative type, and requirements of retention and any incised zones.
Legislation related to this standard
Regulation (eu) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 march 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing council directive 89/106/eec
EN 12510:2001/AC:2002
EN 12509:2001
EN 12510:2001
EN 12479:2001
EN 12511:2001
EN 12465:2001
EN 14229:2010
Standard to be revised
May 20, 2021