EN 14182:2002

Packaging - Terminology - Basic terms and definitions EN 14182:2002

Publication date:   Dec 27, 2006

General information

90.60 Close of review   Sep 2, 2024


CEN/TC 261 Packaging

European Norm

01.040.55   Packaging and distribution of goods (Vocabularies) | 55.020   Packaging and distribution of goods in general



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This European Standard provides a glossary of preferred terms applicable to Packaging generally, each accompanied by its definition. Annex A identifies and explains twelve fundamental packaging terms employed in the framing of European Community Directives relating to packaging and packaging waste and which were also defined within that directive. It also includes a term from the Commission Decision on the Identification System for Packaging Materials. A list of equivalent terms, in the three official CEN Languages, is provided in Annex B.

Related legislation

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Ranges of nominal quantities and nominal capacities permitted for certain pre-packaged products


Ranges of nominal quantities and nominal capacities permitted for certain pre-packged products (Dir. 80/232/EEC amendment)

Life cycle


EN 14182:2002
90.60 Close of review
Sep 2, 2024