90.93 Standard confirmed Sep 11, 2024
CEN/TC 124 Timber structures
European Norm
79.060.99 Other wood-based panels
This European Standard sets the performance requirements of the following glued laminated products:
- Glued laminated timber (glulam);
- Glued solid timber;
- Glulam with large finger joints;
- Block glued glulam
for use in buildings and bridges.
It also lays down minimum production requirements, provisions for evaluation and attestation of conformity and marking of glued laminated products.
This European Standard is applicable for glued laminated timber made of coniferous species listed in this standard or poplar consisting of two or more laminations having a thickness from 6 mm up to 45 mm (inclusive).
It may be possible to produce glulam made from specific hardwood species based on some provisions of this European Standard. In this case, Annex ZA does not apply.
This European Standard is applicable for glued solid timber made of coniferous species listed in this standard or poplar consisting of two to five laminations having a thickness greater than 45 mm and less than or equal to 85 mm.
This European Standard is applicable for large finger joints in glued laminated timber with a finger length of at least 45 mm.
This European Standard is applicable for block glued glulam having solid rectangular cross sections.
This European Standard also gives the requirements for glued laminated products treated against biological attack. Glued laminated products treated with fire retardants are not covered.
Legislation related to this standard
Regulation (eu) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 march 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing council directive 89/106/eec
EN 1194:1999
EN 392:1995
EN 390:1994
EN 385:2001
EN 386:2001
EN 387:2001
EN 14080:2005
EN 391:2001
EN 14080:2013
Standard confirmed
Sep 11, 2024