60.60 Standard published Feb 10, 2010
CEN/TC 127 Fire safety in buildings
European Norm
13.220.50 Fire-resistance of building materials and elements
This European Standard describes the conditioning procedures for test specimens which will be tested according to the European standards for reaction to fire.
The rules for the selection of substrates for construction products when carrying out reaction to fire tests are also detailed in this European Standard.
This European Standard does not contain requirements for
- the pre-drying of test specimens for the non-combustibility test according EN ISO 1182;
- methods of cleaning (e.g. washing) and other methods for the assessment of durability aspects, which are dealt with in the relevant product standards.
Legislation related to this standard
Regulation (eu) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 march 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing council directive 89/106/eec
EN 13238:2001
EN 13238:2010
Standard published
Feb 10, 2010
prEN 13238