EN 13197:2011/FprA1

Road marking materials - Wear simulator Turntable EN 13197:2011/FprA1

General information

50.97 End of interruption of work - split/merged   Feb 18, 2014


CEN/TC 226 Road equipment

European Norm

93.080.20   Road construction materials


This document specifies the requirements for wear simulator test for road marking materials intended for use in both permanent and temporary road markings including those with increased retroreflection under wet and rain conditions, without road studs.
It gives description for the equipment and for test plate’s characteristics; it also gives description for the test method involving road marking materials application, test conditions during wear test, parameters to be measured, frequency of the measurements and expression of the results as a test report.
This document gives also the requirements to be followed when the test is to be used for CE marking purposes.

Life cycle


EN 13197:2011


EN 13197:2011/FprA1
50.97 End of interruption of work - split/merged
Feb 18, 2014