99.60 Withdrawal effective Jun 15, 2016
CEN/TC 227 Road materials
European Norm
93.080.20 Road construction materials
This European Standard specifies requirements for mixtures of the mix group Asphalt Concrete for very thin layers for use on roads, airfields and other trafficked areas.
This European Standard includes requirements for the selection of the constituent materials. It is designed to be read in conjunction with EN 13108-20 and EN 13108-21.
Asphalt Concrete very thin layer mixtures with chemical modified binders not covered by EN 13924 are not covered by this European Standard.
Legislation related to this standard
Regulation (eu) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 march 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing council directive 89/106/eec
EN 13108-2:2006
Withdrawal effective
Jun 15, 2016
EN 13108-2:2006/AC:2008
EN 13108-2:2016