EN 13055-1:2002

Lightweight aggregates - Part 1: Lightweight aggregates for concrete, mortar and grout EN 13055-1:2002

Publication date:   Jul 30, 2004

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   May 18, 2016


CEN/TC 154 Aggregates

European Norm

91.100.15   Mineral materials and products



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This European Standard specifies the properties of lightweight aggregates and lightweight filler aggregates obtained by processing natural, manufactured or recycled materials and mixtures of these aggregates for use in concrete, mortar and grout in buildings, roads and civil engineering works.

This European Standard covers lightweight aggregates of mineral origin having particle densities not exceeding
2 000 kg/m3 (2,00 Mg/m3) or loose bulk densities not exceeding 1 200 kg/m3 (1,20 Mg/m3) including:

a) natural aggregates;
b) aggregates manufactured from natural materials and/or from by-products of industrial processes;
c) by-products of industrial processes;
d) recycled aggregates.
It provides for the evaluation of conformity of the products to this European Standard.
The requirements specified in this standard may not be relevant to all types of lightweight aggregates. For particular applications the requirements and tolerances may be adapted for the end use.

NOTE The requirements in this European Standard are based upon experience with aggregate types with an established pattern of use. Care should be taken when considering the use of aggregates from sources with no such pattern of use, e.g., recycled aggregates and aggregates arising from certain industrial by-products. Such aggregates, which should comply with all the requirements of this European Standard, could have other characteristics not included in Mandate M 125 that do not apply to the generality of aggregate types with an established pattern of use and when required, provisions valid at the place of use can be used to assess their suitability.

Related legislation

Legislation related to this standard


Construction products


Regulation (eu) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 march 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing council directive 89/106/eec


Life cycle


EN 13055-1:2002
99.60 Withdrawal effective
May 18, 2016


EN 13055-1:2002/AC:2004


EN 13055:2016