30.98 Project deleted Sep 21, 2007
CEN/TC 226 Road equipment
European Norm
93.080.30 Road equipment and installations
This document specifies requirements and test methods for new Variable Message Signs (VMS).
VMS comprise two types, continuous and discontinuous signs:
- continuous signs are those that are similar to fixed signs, the only difference being that by some
electro-mechanical means they can show various messages.
NOTE 1 For example rotating prism signs, roller blinds.
- discontinuous signs create messages using individual elements that can be in one of two states (or more)
and can thereby create various messages on the same sign face.
NOTE 2 For example fibre optic signs, LED signs.
This document covers the performance requirements for Variable Message Signs used for the instruction and
guidance of road users on public and private land, including tunnels. In this document a number of different
performance requirements (visual performance, EMC, environmental performance, etc) are covered, as well
as durability.
The EMC, safety and environmental requirements for both types of VMS are included in this document
together with the visual performance for the discontinuous types VMS.
The visual performance for continuous signs and discontinuous signs which are externally illuminated is
covered by EN 12899-1.
This document defines performance limits and a range of performance classes for both sign assemblies
without vertical support and assemblies complete with vertical support.
Not covered by this document are:
a) sign gantries, cantilevers and foundations;
b) portable and temporary VMS;
c) signal heads;
d) sizes and shapes of VMS messages;
e) control units and monitoring units unless inside the test module.
Legislation related to this standard
Regulation (eu) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 march 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing council directive 89/106/eec
EN 12966-1:2005
EN 12966-1:2005/prA1
Project deleted
Sep 21, 2007