99.60 Withdrawal effective Oct 26, 2016
CEN/TC 260 Fertilizers and liming materials
European Norm
65.080 Fertilizers
This European Standard specifies two methods for the determination of the neutralizing value (NV) of liming materials.
Method A is applicable to all liming materials except silicate liming materials.
Method B is applicable to all liming materials.
Both methods do not correctly take into account the potential neutralizing value of material containing more than 3 % P2O5. For a more accurate agronomic assessment of products containing more than 3 % P2O5 determine the liming efficiency according to EN 14984.
NOTE The methods described in ISO 6598 [1] and ISO 7497 [2] can be used for the determination of P2O5 content. Further information on P analyses is given in [3] and [4].
EN 12945:2014
Withdrawal effective
Oct 26, 2016
EN 12945:2014/FprA1