90.60 Close of review Dec 2, 2023
CEN/TC 233 Biotechnology
European Norm
07.080 Biology. Botany. Zoology | 07.100.01 Microbiology in general
This European Standard specifies performance criteria for cell disrupters used in the biotechnological processes with respect to the potential risks of microorganisms in use for the worker or the environment. This European Standard applies where the intended use of the cell disrupter includes hazardous or potentially hazardous microorganisms used in biotechnological processes and/or where exposure of the worker or the environment to such microorganisms is restricted for reasons of safety.
Legislation related to this standard
Deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms
Protection of workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work
EN 12885:1999
Close of review
Dec 2, 2023