99.60 Withdrawal effective Nov 30, 2016
CEN/TC 459/SC 9 Coated and uncoated flat products to be used for cold forming
European Norm
77.140.50 Flat steel products and semi-products
This draft European Standard specifies requirements for single and double cold reduced blackplate in the form of coils which are intended for manufacturing tinplate or ECCS in accordance with EN 10 202 or En 203. Single reduced blackplate is specified in nominal thicknesses that are multiples of 0,005 mm from 0,17 mm up to and including 0,49 mm. Double reduced blackplate is specified in nominal thicknesses that are multiples of 0,005 from 0,14 mm up to and including 0,29 mm. This standard applies to coils in nominal minimum widths of 600 mm either with trimmed or untrimmed edges.
EN 10205:1991
Withdrawal effective
Nov 30, 2016
EN 10205:2016